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Man’s conversation with God

Oh my God!  – oft repeated phrase of mine…and of many of you as well. But do you believe in this God?

Some of us are believers, some atheists, some agnostics and some don’t care! I don’t know about every child but I went through a phase of doubt. I was raised to believe that God exists (my mother is a believer) but gradual exposure to the world and people led me to doubt whether there truly is a God. I am Hindu by birth, a pagan religion. So to us, God is in everything around us (sure they have given each of these many million forms a name!).

But I have to admit that though today I am agnostic, I do pray! I do see the power of faith. And talking about faith, I’ll share a story that someone told me once (or did I read it somewhere? I can’t quite remember but the story is worth sharing).

Man’s conversation with God…

They look back at Man’s life together. The Man sees footprints on the sand left by two pairs of feet. He’s delighted. He looks at God to confirm his expectation.

God says, “I walked with you through everything!”

Man’s joy knows no bounds. They look at the journey a bit more. Man notices that it the phase is what was his toughest in life. The worst of times. But he sees just one pair of footprints. He is disappointed. He is sad. He is agitated. He is torn. He looks at God.

He says, “How could you leave my side when the going was toughest?” He cries.

God smiles, looks at him and says, “I never left your side. The footprints you see now are mine. I carried you through all the worst.”

This post is not to force anyone to start being a believer, I myself am not. But it is one of the most touching stories ever.

There have been people who have carried me through my worst. And I Believe in them…

Maybe God is nothing but the person, in physical form or in spirit, who carries you through the toughest times and walks next to you like a friend through your happiest!

Have a wonderful day.



49 thoughts on “Man’s conversation with God”

  1. Very nice story…
    I have heard a story too. I think you might have heard about it. It is said to be of albert Einstein, you can see it on YouTube. The end Line said that evil does not exist, it is just the absence of love in our hearts. And love is what I feel is god, because where there is love, there is god.
    Great post aish…
    Keep sharing..

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Ah wonderful, I shall check the video out for sure. But I have heard the line you are talking about.
      Where there is love, there is God! It’s a beautiful thought indeed 🙂
      Have a peaceful day S!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely! I couldn’t agree more… And if both of us are right, I have seen God, felt him, talked to him, heard him speak, played on his lap and given him tight hugs too 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Lovely, thoughtful post….The ‘Unknown’ shall remain ‘unknowable’ for a long time – if not forever. Perhaps….that is ‘God’? Strange how this question has pre-occupied ‘humanity’ since Time began. 😉 Hugs! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh that’s true! Humanity has always wondered and worried about things that can’t be deciphered! I wish we were smarter and paid attention to greater and more important needs of the hour. For all we know God must be walking right next to us every moment while we search for him in temples and mosques 😉

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    1. I’m sure God must be happier with you than with most church goers! Spreading peace and kindness and honouring humanity is the best way to honour God! I stand with you in this 🙂

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  3. Loved the last line of your post, he may not be present physically but he helps us in being in people and makes us realise his presence around us.A very famous quote, “If one can’t see God in the person making people happy and sharing love, how can one find in an idol.” Its better we value and respect people more, as this will send our message to the Almighty..

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I am a believer and I believe that God works through those around us to carry us, challenge us, etc. So in many ways our beliefs are the same, just slightly altered. The footprints poem is a very moving piece of writing. I have it on my wall on a wooden plaque as a reminder! Thank you for sharing this.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a wonderful post! Many in the west do not believe any more, which is a shame. Faith can be so beautiful. By the way the story you remember is called Footprints, and is very famous. I think it was originally a poem. It is so beautiful I may share it too. Blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wonderful Tanya, I’m glad you found it worth your time. As for me I’m not a believer in the worldly definitions of God but I have my faith in someone who’s carried me through things in life and people who’ve walked by my side in trying times. 🙂
      Have a lovely day 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ve heard the story earlier and I just loved your conclusion…it’s so right and I can absolutely relate. I’m not much of a believer, just like you, I do have doubts about God’s existence. But, yes, I believe that people who stay by our side at the toughest times are no lesser than Gods… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I too grew up with a religion that my parents believed in but as I grew older I broke away from. I remember hearing this story often at youth group however and I always enjoyed it immensely

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Aishwarya, a lovely post, most thought-provoking. My favorite lines, “I never left your side. The footprints you see now are mine. I carried you through all the worst.” Please take care. ~ Mia

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  9. wow!!!!!!! wat a touching and true story… some of us feel that we did it on our own while leaning on our father cos in actual sense we couldnot do it without him. please visit my blog:

    Liked by 1 person

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