If We Were Strolling Together, Uncategorized

If we were Strolling Together(6)

Welcome to this space today! Thank you for deciding to join me on the stroll. It’s a rainy afternoon here and so we should probably find a spot where we wouldn’t get drenched. We should also probably get something hot to drink, I’d really like a tea…are you a tea person or a coffee person? Now…we really have some catching up to do, don’t we? 

As you already know, I’ve been on a break! I’m enjoying home cooked delicious meals and have loads of time on hand. What have I been doing with all this time? Well, eating! Don’t judge me on these few extra kilos…I’ll get rid of them when I get to Edinburgh anyways ( I don’t cook as well as my mom does :P)

I wish I could spend enough time on the blog too but unfortunately, I have a lot of running around to do in my so-called free time. And add shopping to that list of things-to-do! God, how much I hate shopping…doesn’t the cliche say that girls are supposed to love it? Well, I am an exception clearly!

I do try to log in as much as I can to read the lovely comments you have been leaving on my posts and to read a bit of your work too.

All of a sudden I don’t know what to watch on TV! The Olympics had me switching on the TV to just watch the sports channel that telecasted the events.

I recently discovered the Amazon Kindle app for android and I am jumping with joy in my heart for that! As much as I love paperbacks and the smell of yellowed tattered pages, I can’t carry books across continents and the app makes life much simpler. I’m sure I’ll find all the book shops and also the car boot sales where I will eventually end up buying my books but till then, I have something to fall back on.

Oh look, the sun has come out..how lovely..should we maybe walk around a bit?

Rains are so beautiful! If you knew me really well, you’d raise your eyebrow at that statement. Haha…well I like rains but not all the time. And I hate getting drenched. Getting drenched would mean a headache for sure. Not welome. It would mean wet and frizzy hair and that’s not welcome either. I love watching the rains when I am indoors. I love the hot chocolate and the pakodas (an Indian snack) and the Maggi noodles when it’s raining. I love the sound of raindrops…I love the pleasant weather…love the peacocks dancing! So I guess everything is fine, except getting drenched!

I think I should let you speak now…

Do you like rains? Do you like getting drenched?

What are your favourite snacks?

Do you prefer a Kindle over paperbacks?

This was a pleasant stroll. Thank you for joining me today…I will head over to yours soon!


48 thoughts on “If we were Strolling Together(6)”

  1. there are three things we don’t share! I hate Maggie Noodles, ice-cream and prefer coffee to tea! But I love rain, inside and outside especially outside when I can catch photos of rain washed roses! and I love books! I loved your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh god… Everything is okay.. But I’m surprised you hate ice cream!! I didn’t think there’s anyone who might hate them . Haha.. But it’s lovely to be able to connect over posts! Cheers


  2. Such a cool read. 🙂
    I like 2 minute noodles, too… and when available, I prefer the Filipino Lucky Me with more Filipino taste, especially the Chilli-mansi (a combination of Chilli and Calamansi – a Filipino tiny lemon). However, I don’t have it often being in Africa. I love green tea, and coffee and cappuccino, latte, etc. 🙂
    I tried the Kindle thing but didn’t last. I still like to buy the paper books – paperbacks and hard cover ones. I love the hard cover ones with nice jackets.
    Rain? I love it only at night and provided I am indoors and won’t get wet. Otherwise, I hate it especially when I am out on the road driving.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Aishwarya, a lovely post. Enjoy your down time, while you’re on break. I definitely love the rain when I’m inside watching it, not outside in it. 😉 Enjoy, and have a wonderful week ahead.
    ~ Mia

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha yes, photographs do come out nice…but if it’s at the cost of a headache, I’d rather not do that!!
      And there’s one thing I always feel strongly about – no matter how many photographs you click, you can never capture what you see with your eyes! Have a wonderful day 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Answers to your questions:

    1. I like getting drenched(hoping that it doesn’t catch me Cold)

    2. Among the snacks I like Onion Pakoras, Moong Dal Pakora, and obviously Some crispy Hakka Noodles

    3. I prefer paperbacks, but Generally end up reading on the phone itself( Travels everyday! And that people try to stare at the cover page just to know what is the guy reading!)

    Loved the stroll by the way!!☺👍😎😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Haha…yes, people do stare at the covers and that makes me awkward many a times as well! 🙂 Thanks for the answers Vivek…cheers…I will be back soon with a series of posts about Ahmedabad (sometime next week though). I hope you will be around to check this space.


  5. Tea, to me, is way better than coffee (any day).
    Rain! Aha, coincidentally, it is raining here (almost halted now). I like the rain, mostly while sleeping. I love it when the raindrops splatter on the tin-roofs of my or the neighboring houses. Apart from that, rain isn’t really “enjoyable” unless, as someone suggested me, you go out and get drenched with your loved one (setting up a romantic mood). Try it once, Aishwarya! 😀 I haven’t tried it but need to. 😀

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I wish not to experience it soon, but in the best way (and with the best person) possible. Then, I could also write: “This experience is worth a million dimes (and also lives, perhaps).” 🙂 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Well I have to correct my phrasing. I just noticed that I’ve put it wrongly…though you understood it correct! I meant the experience is worth a million lifetimes! The two sentences mean very different things 😉
        I hope you experience it with someone you will cherish forever!

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Just like my hands, coffee and tea are of life’s necessities, I drink them both, but because I am not ambidextrous, rather right-handed, I prefer coffee most days. The extra caffeine boost is like a gift 😉
    Very cool post. I love strolling, coffee in hand and chatting with loved ones. Not in the rain though, haha.
    I absolutely loathe driving in the rain. Singing in the rain…maybe 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Right? For some reason many disagree when I say rains aren’t ALWAYS welcome! I’m glad I am not alone in thinking so! 😉
      As far as Kindle goes, I haven’t started using my app yet! I’m still sticking with paperback. But soon I won’t have a choice! 😦

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I love rains. I love it for the way it brings people together. I don’t like getting drenched though. A samosa n tea during rain is my perfect combo. Paperbacks any day over Kindle, though I’m jus learning to use the Kindle these days and finding it so convenient.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I would choose kindle over paperbacks. Easy to carry and I don’t have to worry about keeping book marks 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha well that’s an advantage isn’t it?!
      But honestly I love losing bookmarks and having to search manually for the chapter or the page that I was reading! It’s a lovely process. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes it is. I usually read before my bed time, so sometimes I just fall asleep with the kindle in my hand and I don’t have to worry about turning off the lights in my room 🙂
        I have a cupboard filled with books, I just couldn’t find space for more and kindle was like a blessing 🙂


  9. I looove getting drenched. Walking around in the rain takes off some of the stress for sure :’)
    And you’re not the only one who hates shopping, I personally feel like pulling off my hair too when it comes to walking around from shop to shop sometimes not even finding a single thing you want. It gets irritating in the crowdy bazaars of India and Pakistan if you know what I mean!
    Your writing lovely, I will surely comes to read more of yours soon 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by. It’s nice to have you over and listen to your thoughts!
      Crowded bazaars is just not my cup of tea. I try to stay as far away from them as I can 😉

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