
If you found your way here, you want to know more about the person who wrote all of it!

I am a biologist, a researcher. Well, if you don’t care about science, just skip the next paragraph – I won’t be upset one bit! 😉

I am currently pursuing my PhD in Cell Biology and am working towards understanding the process of lineage commitment of cells and what controls this. In simpler words, we all begin from a single totipotent zygote that divides multiple times to give rise to all these different kinds of cells in our body that then make up the whole of us. Our organs are all different because the cells making them up are all different. How do these cells, arising from a single parent cell, commit towards different lineages? If you are interested in knowing more, do leave a comment here with your email ID and I’ll be happy to write to you 🙂

Writing came to me naturally by way of my diaries and other projects I worked on during the time I actively freelanced to make a few extra bucks. I never thought I’d write a blog one day, though. But then sometime in 2016 I thought, why not?

I enjoy writing. And I enjoy life. I value the small things in life. One of my most favourite quotes is – It is the Journey that gives Happiness, not the Destination. And my journey is a special one, just like yours is. I collect and horde memories. My diary is full of beautiful memories – happy, sad, unfortunate, delightful, grim, horrible, ugly, ridiculous, joyful, fearful, comforting, terrifying, uplifting,…all kinds of memories. And this blog is made up of those memories too. This blog is about my beautiful experiences, it is about my joys and sorrows and fears and frustrations. But it is also about Tiny TalesThoughtful Postssome PoetryShayerisome simple Science and a lot more. My Journey in this world began Here and this space means the world to me.

I am not a great photographer but this blog does feature some clicks of mine. Where I’ve used others’ pictures, I’ve mentioned so. If you have pictures that I could use, do leave a comment below. I’d love to feature your work!

That’s all for now folks. Thanks for reading through this and I hope we can move from being strangers to being friends.



90 thoughts on “About”

  1. So, here I am at your very interesting blog! I am flattered to be invited and will stay there for some time! I am sure I will find here loads of exciting and inspiring things! Hugs, my dear Friend!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. glad to be here. hope to read more of you in the coming days. I love quantum biology. though to be honest I must admit that oftentimes I find myself lacking some of the 10 basic characteristics of an organism. I wonder if that makes me an Incomplete Biological Entity 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Aishwarya!
    I just caught up to see your blog via Robert’s Blog, as I saw the name which is my daughter’s name and she addresses herself in her visiting card as Aishwarya Shivakumar Malekopmath.
    Anyways, it is interesting to note the interests you keep. I shall also go through your other posts.
    I wish you meanwhile success in all your endeavours and writing your blogs.
    Fondest Regards,

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Aishwarya!
        I just read your post of collaborating, I could not find a comment page there so I went off.
        You may visit my Blog and find the posts with so many photos clicked by me and the other images are from Google.
        I have followed you and may do so.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I don’t understand how you do that.
        Many reblog and mine ( so many Posts) have been reblogged by many bloggers some say we share it and you say collaborate.
        Its all left to you and your choice.
        Love to You,

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Well when I mean collaboration I usually refer to when you have a photograph that I could use to build a post around…it’s usually a thought which can be collaborated on to make a complete picture. We could the both publish the same post…my words could help speak out the thought with which your photograph was captured! That’s how my collaborations so far have worked…photographer friends of mine who have wanted their work featured have gotten in touch with me with the request and we have chosen a theme on which we have both worked…If you have a better idea of doing it, I am interested in trying out newer ways of doing it too 🙂 Cheers!

        Liked by 2 people

      4. Yes I did like it.
        But I think at present I do not have anything as stuff for that.
        You visit my posts and can comment there.
        The one which you are telling I have one post on my early poems “One day Is Over”, that might inspire you also.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi aishwarya,
    Great to have found you! It makes me so comfortable reading all your tamil Brahmin slangs, since myself from a TamBram fam. Thank god I dint find any chance to miss it. Your single click created magic😉😊. See you around. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi… Thanks so much for sharing your time with me by pausing on my blog! I’m glad you enjoyed my TamBrahm posts! I do enjoy the ridiculousness of the whole TamBrahm etiquette 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Aweseome! I always love a fellow writer. But writing was my post however. It was my way to find perfection in this imperfect world. But later God made me perfect so I’m write for him.
    God Bless you my dear friend.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I like your approach to blogging , interesting , I like taking pictures , am I good at it , well I enjoy it and some are really out there some are not , I also like to frame words around them , but I am sure i am better at the images than the words , please do drop by my blog and let me know what you think 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thank you so much for considering me worthy of the award!!! I’ll check it out soon. I haven’t been too active on the blog for the past two days…but I’ll be back to my usual schedule soon 🙂 thanks again, cheers!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Hiya Aisha (that is so much easier for me to spell!),
    I’m presenting you with the Liebster Award – ta-daaa!
    I’ve chosen you for this prestigious award because you’ve interacted with my blog sometime in the last couple of hours – so you only have yourself to blame!😀
    The direct link to your nomination, and the questions I have written just for you is https://levishedated.wordpress.com/2016/07/27/liebster-award/
    I hope you have fun with this.:)
    Kindness – Robert.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s so thoughtful of you Rob!!! Hahaha 😀
      I thank my parents who believed in me, my friends who supported me… blah blah blah…and most importantly myself for being in touch with you 😉
      But I’ve received this award thrice in the past and so I think it’ll be unfair for me to keep receiving it…but I love awards, especially the q/a..so I’ll do that bit with pleasure 😃 thanks Rob!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Vivek for your compliment on the blog. Unfortunately I’m not in Ahmedabad anymore! I’ve shifted to a different country for a few years but it would have been lovely to meet a fellow blogger. Cheers!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I’m especially interested in the spirituality of aging. My body has been telling me about the biology part, and I’m OK with that. What puzzles me is whether my wisdom-age works like time-age. Many previous cultures saw an inverse proportion (as the body declines the mind/spirit becomes more active, or at least more respectable), but where I live they are seen to go hand in hand, and always downward, though most try to mimic the appearance and mind-set of youth.

    I don’t mean that I should be wise by now, or that people should seek my advice. In fact i often feel less confident about my insights and judgments as the years go by. Im not worried about “losing it.” My mind and body are still working remarkably well. I’m just interested in the idea of wisdom and where it’s likely to be found. So naturally I turn more to older cultures and civilizations for insights, since mine is very young (USA) I think there must be a lot of wisdom in your perspective. It’s more complicated than I’ve put it, i know, but the blog is of interest to me because it seems to combine the energy and open-mindedness of expanding life with a possibile access to (inherited? innate? experiential? collective? historical?) wisdom.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment Albert. Yes, the wisdom-age is an intriguing thing indeed and we do expect it to be more active and work better as the time-age increases. In the Indian subcontinent where the culture embraces spirituality openly, there is a huge amount of teaching that goes into expanding the existing confines of the wisdom-age.
      As someone who once pointed out to me, growing old and growing up are two different things. Even furniture grows old but only we can grow up. If the wisdom-age is not taught to expand, I’m afraid the person is only growing old!
      My blog is a small attempt at sharing with everyone the small things that make me aware of the beauty of life. I hope I am growing up with these experiences. And that one day when I put all my content together and try to make sense of it, I can sketch a graph that shows the progress of my wisdom-age. 🙂
      Thank you for being a part of my blogging journey.


  9. These are beautiful reasons to start a blog for! Love it!
    As soon as I catched up with all my projects, I am certainly going to explore more here.
    Kind regards from a neighbor at our globe.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Do believe in coincidences? I am studying for post grad admission and guess what was I studying to day? Genetic Diseases. Totipotent cells are quite interesting. You have a fantastic blog here. Keep up the good work and take care.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, totipotency is an intriguing phenomenon indeed 🙂 one of the very early events in the life of a totipotent zygote is a process called Zygotic Genome Activation. If you’re interested in these things ZGA will make for an interesting read for you​ 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Hi 🙂

    I hope you don’t mind me reaching out in a comment — I couldn’t find a way to contact you privately (you can always delete this comment…)

    I noticed that your Gravatar doesn’t link to your blog. This makes it more difficult for others to find you. Please take a look at my blog post linked below, which explains the easy steps you can take to fix this 🙂


    Happy blogging!


    1. Thank you for reaching out to me here. I hope you find some of my articles interesting too. About my gravatar, well I am not too big on social media and I am very happy with the people that find their way here and appreciate my content. But I did read your post and found the information useful, in case I want to link my gravatar to the blog eventually 🙂 thanks again!

      Liked by 1 person

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