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Wanna Meet Up?

3 places to meet and greet! How to connect with fellow bloggers? Read on to see how these people managed to do it 🙂 Maybe I will bump into you in one of the three places…we’ll find out soon!

Part 1:

I woke up to Jacob’s message on my blog. He finally revealed the big surprise.

Well, he had told me earlier to keep checking his blog for a special post, of which I was to be a big part. So I kept checking his space. And I read about his frantic search for a tape for putting up a Birthday note for his neighbour (click here) and a super long but awesome post n Dramaturgy (click here). And finally today, he posted the one he told me about. So he conducted this experiment (a blog project he calls it) where he connected with 6 new bloggers everyday. He laid out rules about he wants to go about this process. And then he constructed family trees to see where each search led him to. And my family is one of the top three 😀 It was such a pleasant surprise indeed! I still consider myself new to this world and have a decent number of followers but I didn’t imagine that it would be such a great deal! And the family tree he has constructed has turned out beautifully and has some of my most favourite bloggers as part of it. Do check out his post to know if you featured on his family tree! 🙂

Part 2:

I also woke up to find Jaqueline’s party link go online! I have been waiting for this one honestly. She wrote about an online party last week and said she would let the link go online this weekend. I have been waiting all week to see what she comes up with and what it is she was talking about. Do you know what an online party would mean? Or what it would feel like to go to an online party? Well, I haven’t and I was eager to find out what it was and to meet everyone who would come to enjoy this.

And as promised, she came back with the link to the most amazing ONLINE PARTYYYYY ever! She has invited one and all to this amazing party. Do click on the link to visit her. She’s laid out some yummy looking food and drinks to help you loosen up and join the celebration. It’s a great place to meet new people and I’m really looking forward to connecting with others through her party. I’m off to meet and greet now…see you at the party 🙂

Part 3:

Jason is another such blogger who started a meet and greet for bloggers. He stirred my curiosity with the idea (because I had never come across a meet and greet kind of thing online earlier, and not on WP for sure). So I dropped by to say hi to him and to meet the others who were already present there. I, hesitant but eager to meet new people, left my blog link in the comments section. And before I knew it, there were new people visiting me, commenting on my posts and liking my work. And suddenly, I had more friends than before…I don’t know how often Jason does this, but it is worth heading over to meet some new people there. There are several who write beautifully (Jason included) and it’s an amazing experience sharing your work and getting some interesting feedback!


What are your plans for today? Come on, it’s a Sunday!!! Get up and get out of your room/house. Breathe some fresh air. Read something new (books or blogs) and enrich your life. I will be at Jackie’s party so if you decide to drop by, find me in the corner, huddled up with people, listening to their stories and journey so far!


19 thoughts on “Wanna Meet Up?”

  1. Yeah! Interesting ‘places to meet’ on the blog….especially if one spends a lot of time here… Doing what we always do on Sundays….most days when retired…..Rest…and potter around…. 😉 Hugs! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s good to meet new people on WP. I absolutely love the idea of such parties. When I have a lot of followers and can host a successful party I will do so too 🙂
      Thank you for stopping by. Have a beautiful day.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, I didn’t know such things existed… It’s funny. I’m a teacher, and I’ve met and dealt with well over a thousand children and parents in my short tenure thus far. And yet, I still feel insular. Though seemingly personal, they are still interactions within the job. This could be a fantastic way to meet people on a more personal level, especially as a writer : )

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad you found this useful! I was much like you, unaware that there were these absolutely delightful meets on WordPress. I hope I’ll see you at one of these three places soon 🙂
      And if I come across something else I’ll remember to send you a message regarding that 🙂
      Enjoy your WordPress journey 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sabrina, how wonderful that you could take some time off and drop by here. I will head over to yours in a short while.
      Sorry for responding so late, I have been traveling a bit! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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